My name is Pauline Chaloff and I live and teach in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. I taught Modern World History and AP World History in the public schools for 13 years and now work as a freelance writer and educational consultant. My focus is World History and making global history meaningful, accessible and engaging for students of diverse backgrounds and abilities. I enjoy creating relevant content that can be used by teachers to expose students to diverse perspectives to encourage critical thinking and growth through inquiry based learning. Parallel Histories is an excellent platform for educators that mirrors my philosophical approach to teaching and learning.
My name is Pauline Chaloff and I live and teach in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. I taught Modern World History and AP World History in the public schools for 13 years and now work as a freelance writer and educational consultant. My focus is World History and making global history meaningful, accessible and engaging for students of diverse backgrounds and abilities. I enjoy creating relevant content that can be used by teachers to expose students to diverse perspectives to encourage critical thinking and growth through inquiry based learning. Parallel Histories is an excellent platform for educators that mirrors my philosophical approach to teaching and learning.