Transition Year History builds on the interest and enthusiasm for History acquired at Junior Cert level. These lessons focus on evaluating sources and making arguments from evidence and each week includes a class debate. Transition Year students have the opportunity to debate with other students across the country and beyond.
TĂłgann Stair na hIdirbhliana ar an suim agus an dĂograis a fhaigheann daltaĂ ag leibhĂ©al an Teastais ShĂłisearaigh. Sna ceachtanna seo, tĂĄ bĂ©im ar foinsĂ a mheasĂșnĂș agus argĂłint a dhĂ©anamh Ăł fhianaise, agus bĂonn dĂospĂłireacht ranga san ĂĄireamh gach seachtain. TĂĄ bua ag daltaĂ na hIdirbhliana dĂospĂłireacht a dhĂ©anamh le daltaĂ eile ar fud na tĂre agus thar lear.
If you are teaching History at A Level, International Baccalaureate or Scottish Advanced Highers, this resource will help your students with any of:
Coursework (Edexcel), Historical Investigation (AQA), Thematic study and historical interpretations, and the Topic Based Essay (OCR), Project Dissertation (Advanced Highers), Historical Investigation (IB)
The presentation:
Here are some further reading suggestions, covering a range of interpretations:
Here are two essays which look at the historiography of Northern Ireland, examining why different historians wrote what they did: