The GDR – An (un)lawful state? / Die DDR – (K)ein Unrechtsstaat?

Celeste Schoenen and her students from Langerwehe, Germany have been developing a Parallel Histories debate programme in German and English about whether the GDR was ‘unrechtsstaat’ (an unlawful state). This month’s blog post, written in both English and German, is from one of Celeste’s students, Kilian. Kilian reflects on how his opinions on the GDR […]

A Tudor House Divided

Early Modern European history is overflowing with examples of parallel histories because of the profoundly divisive nature of the Reformation. As such, with two clearly distinct sides, it is an area of history that lends itself well to a parallel narratives approach. In particular, such a lens is especially helpful when studying the reigns of […]

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