Union between England and Scotland

Further reading

Here are some further reading suggestions, covering a range of interpretations:


  • Tom Devine, Independence or Union: Scotland’s Past and Scotland’s Present (2016)

  • Hugh Trevor-Roper, The Invention of Scotland (2008)

  • Colin Kidd, Union and Unionisms: Political Thought in Scotland, 1500–2000 (2010)

  • Jean McNicol, ‘The Atmosphere of the Clyde: Red Clydeside’, London Review of Books, link

  • Ben Jackson, ‘The Political Thought of Scottish Nationalism, Political Quarterly (2014), link

  • Ben Jackson, ‘Arguing about Scottish independence’, Political Quarterly (2018), link

  • Tom Nairn, The Break-Up of Britain (1977)

  • Neal Ascherson, Stones of Scotland (2002)



Here are some articles about the historiography of Scotland in which historians examine why different historians wrote what they did:


  • Tom Nairn, ‘Managed by Ghouls’, London Review of Books, link

  • Gregg McClymont, ‘The nationalist interpretation of Scottish history’ link

  • A.Raffe,  ‘1707, 2007, and the Unionist turn in Scottish History’, The Historical Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4 (DECEMBER 2010), pp. 1071-1083