Here are some further reading suggestions, covering a range of interpretations:
Tom Devine, Independence or Union: Scotland’s Past and Scotland’s Present (2016)
Hugh Trevor-Roper, The Invention of Scotland (2008)
Colin Kidd, Union and Unionisms: Political Thought in Scotland, 1500–2000 (2010)
Jean McNicol, ‘The Atmosphere of the Clyde: Red Clydeside’, London Review of Books, link
Ben Jackson, ‘The Political Thought of Scottish Nationalism, Political Quarterly (2014), link
Ben Jackson, ‘Arguing about Scottish independence’, Political Quarterly (2018), link
Tom Nairn, The Break-Up of Britain (1977)
Neal Ascherson, Stones of Scotland (2002)
Here are some articles about the historiography of Scotland in which historians examine why different historians wrote what they did: