Here are some further reading suggestions, covering a range of interpretations:
Beynon, H. and Hudson R., The Shadow of the Mine (2021)
Campbell, J., Margaret Thatcher: The Grocer’s Daughter (2001)
Campbell, J., Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady (2003)
Cannadine, D., Margaret Thatcher: A Life and Legacy (2017)
Charmley, J., History of Conservative Politics since 1830 (2nd ed. 2008)
Jenkins, P., Mrs Thatcher’s Revolution: Ending of the Socialist Era (1989)
Marr, A., A History of Modern Britain (2007)
Moore, C., Margaret Thatcher: The Authorised Biography Vol I, II, III (2013, 2016, 2020)
Thatcher, M., The Downing Street Years (2003)
You can also read our blog posts offering different perspectives on Thatcher, here, here and here